taps microphone "Hello, is this on?"
Hi, folks. Happy New Year, I think.
I'm back after a long absence. Life has been so damn busy - moving houses, family expansion, gobs of travel, and lots of other crazy shit - but I'm back here and will be posting much more regularly. And I'll be reviving my much neglected newsletter as well.
My author social media has changed significantly. If you want to know where I am besides here on my website, my https://linktr.ee/JPKenwood has been updated. But rest assured that no matter which social media channels I use, you can always find me here.
So, what's up in Dominus land?
I'm writing a sequel. \o/ Yes, Favorites of Fortuna ends on a hopeful note with at least a "Happy For Now," but so many readers want to know what happens next... so we'll get some answers. I'll be posting snippets here, and likely draft chapters. As readers of my website, you'll get access to everything, including the final book, for FREE. My gift to you all for your patience.
The tentative title of the sequel is "Exile," but I'm not sure it's quite right, so I'll play around with that. The story picks up a short time after Favorites of Fortuna ends. The first POV is Gaius, and he's champing at the bit.
Stay tuned!
JP xoxo